2022 Primary Election Voting Guide

Primary Election Day: Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Primary elections narrow the candidate pool and determine the party nominees that will be on the General Election ballot (November 9, 2022).

Offices up for Election in 2022:
U.S. Senate, U.S. Representative, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer, Secretary of State, Auditor of Accounts, Attorney General, all (30) State Senate seats, all (150) State Representative seats, Probate Judge, Assistant Judge, State’s Attorney, Sheriff, High Bailiff and Justices of the Peace

Who can vote? The Primary Election on August 9 is a State Election. Therefore, only legal U.S. citizens may vote. More info

Register to Vote: You must register to vote in Vermont; however, you may register at your polling place primary election day. 

  • Online: http://olvr.vermont.gov 

  • In-person: Winooski City Hall | 27 West Allen Street |  Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm

  • Call 802-655-6410 to have a voter registration form mailed to you.

Not sure if you're registered to vote? Check your status here. 

Where to Vote in Winooski: There is only one polling place in Winooski.
Winooski Senior Center | 123 Barlow Street
Polls open from 7 am to 7 pm
Don't live in Winooski? Find your polling place here

Vote Early: Vote early at Winooski City Hall | 27 West Allen St. | Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Early voting closes on August 8. 

Vote Absentee: Call or email to request an absentee ballot: 802 655 6410 / clerk@winooskivt.gov  or complete an Absentee Ballot Request form and bring it to Winooski City Hall. Absentee ballots must be received by August 8. 

Sample Ballots: Progressive | Democrat | Republican
In the Primary Election, you may only vote in one party, e.g., you cannot vote on a Republican ballot and a Democratic ballot. If you vote absentee, you will be sent all three ballots but you must only return one. Vermont holds open primaries, meaning you do not need to be registered with the political party to vote in its primary.

Multilingual Videos on How to Vote in Winooski: 
عربي / Arabic | မြန်မာ / Burmese | Français / French | नेपाली / Nepali | Soomaali / Somali | Kiswahili / Swahili


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