March 1st Town Meeting Day and Winooski City Council and School Board Election Information
Voter Registration Before March 1st
To register to vote before March 1st, register online* or at the City Clerk’s Office.
To register to vote online, click here.
* Please note online registration may not process in time if submitted after Friday, February 25.
To register in person, visit the City Clerk’s Office at Winooski City Hall (27 West Allen St.)
To download a registration form to drop off at the Clerk’s Office, click here.
Voter Registration On March 1st
You can register to vote on Town Meeting day!
To register to vote on March 1st, 2022, visit the “Help Desk” at the Winooski Senior Center (123 Barlow St.)
To download a registration form to bring to the polling location, click here.
To register to vote, bring one of the following forms of ID:
Valid Photo ID (drivers/non-drivers license or passport)
Current utility bill
Current bank statement
Another government document
Voting Before March 1st
Vote early at City Hall (27 West Allen St)
Voting on March 1st
Vote on Town Meeting Day (Tuesday) from 7 AM to 7 PM at the Winooski Senior Center (123 Barlow St)
Translated Voting Information
Sample Ballots
Sample Ballots translated in all languages are linked below. These are the same sample ballots given at the polling location.
Who is Running for City Council and the Schoolboard?
Profiles on the candidates running for City Council and School board seats are linked below. Click on the Candidates’ names to see their profiles, written by us here at the Winooski News.